A Change of Direction. Is Longer and Less Often Better?

I found the site Create And Go. They have a very nice post about blogging in 2023.

One of their recommendations is longer and more in-depth posts. And to do that even if it results in less frequent posts.

I am happy to hear that. I like longer and in-depth writing more anyway.

I started this blog over a year ago. I’ve enjoyed writing it. I enjoy writing about the topic of people using technology. But I have struggled at times to meet my self-set goal of two posts a week.

I’m not sure if I’ll continue this particular blog on this domain, or change to a different domain. That will probably be the first long-form post for me to write, to really consider that question.

Excel Files Are Zipped Files

I do remember reading this before. I hadn’t realized what all got zipped up in those zip files.

Among other things, there is a file called calcChain.xml. This shows the order calculations are done on cells in the Excel spreadsheet.

That in turn can be used to figure out if cells have been moved around the sheet.

Data Colada has more information in their (very fascinating) post “[109] Data Falsificada (Part 1): ‘Clusterfake’“. It is dated June 17 2023 (and last accessed for this post on August 5 2023).

I have no idea if this is true of other spreadsheet types, like the LibreOffice Calc spreadsheets.

Identify the Problem, Part 5: Rely on Technology for Short-term Gain Instead of Long-Term Skill, Newspapers and Music

I listened recently to the episode “The Future of Reporting with Mandy Matney,” from the The Emily Show. That is a podcast by Emily D. Baker. For this episode, she interviewed Mandy Matney of the True Sunlight podcast, formerly known as the Murdaugh Murders podcast.

After that long prelude, the parts I’m going to write about are fairly short:

  • Matney said she used to work as a reporter for a newspaper that was owned by a larger newspaper conglomerate. She said the big newspapers focus more on “trending” topics than complex and important issues which will take a lot of resources to follow and research. Among other things, at one point she was assigned to write three to five articles a day about issues trending on Twitter or Reddit. News stories don’t get national attention unless they start trending, and then almost all of the national papers repeat the same information with different headlines.
  • Baker replied that she is seeing something similar while covering stories about the music industry. Instead of investing in a band for a few albums to see if the band can gain a following and take off, the music industry will now invest in a band or performer for one song. And if that one song doesn’t take off on TikTok, then they move on.

In doing this, both industries are killing the things that originally created them. Technology makes this easier. It might provide a more convincing rationale in the short term. But that is still what is happening.

A Nice Radio Programming Program

I recently purchased some handheld radios. Now it is time to program them. The vendor recommends RT Systems, Inc. for the programming software.

So far, the company, website, and program are impressive. There’s a huge list of radio brands their products will program. Their website has how-to videos and nice knowledge base section.

Although I’ll use the software to program the radios now, I’ll still take the time to familiarize myself with how to program them in the field. While listening to an ARRL On the Air podcast, they mentioned the importance of knowing this. Getting it programmed just right, at home, is great. But sometimes I’ll want to change that when I’m not at home. It’s better to know how to do that before I need it.

Khan Academy, First Impressions, First Lessons

I mentioned a while back that I wanted to learn more about how websites are built and how they work. And that I’d chosen Khan Academy as a place to start.

Well, I signed up. After spending an hour going through some beginner lessons, here are my impressions.

  • It’s easy to sign up as an adult. They do ask for birth date. I’m assuming for younger ages there may be more restrictions or requirements for signing up.
  • It’s free, although they do politely ask for donations.
  • They have a lot for adult learners, but it’s clearly aimed at school and college students.
  • Their lessons on website programming are under “Computer Programming,” not under anything with “web” or “internet” in the name. (Is this because they felt a good way to get kids interested in programming in general was through website construction?)
  • Their Computer Programming course starts with Javascript. That surprised me. After going through some lessons, I can see why it would be a good introduction for kids and new learners. They focus on using Javascript to draw, with ellipses, rectangles, and arcs. And they use that as a way to introduce concepts such as syntax, parameters, checking documentation, and relying on documentation instead of personal memory.
  • They regularly have exercises to use newly learned concepts. The exercises do have some hints for students who might not be sure how to start. (Memories of C/C++: a semicolon has to go at the end of every line. It’s nice to be told right away that a semicolon is missing, not after the entire thing is written out and compiling is attempted. That used to irritate me greatly with C/C++.)

Overall, I’m very favorably impressed.

Identify the Problem, Part 4: ADP Destroys Its Own Numbers.

My Irritation

Yes, I’ve been ranting for a while now about the need to identify the problem before going hell bent after a “solution”.

The examples keep showing up. Here is another example:

ADP, for example, changed their methodology to try to produce a job number that would be more predictive of the NFP data. Why they would take their own unique payroll data (and manipulate it) to try to estimate the official government data is beyond me, but they did it. So, ADP isn’t really trying to analyze how many jobs were created, it is trying to produce data that helps people predict NFP (at least the Establishment Survey).”

Peter Tchir, “Sherlock Holmes on the Jobs Report“, Zerohedge, dated June 11 2023, last accessed June 29 2023. Emphasis in original.

ADP is a payroll company. Producing jobs numbers is not their main job. But their jobs report is often looked at as another indicator of employment trends in the U.S. economy.

Tchir’s whole article, “Sherlock Holmes on the Job Report” in Zerohedge, dated June 11 2023, was about trying to make sense out of numbers that didn’t always have as much sense as a person would hope for. The paragraph about ADP changing its own numbers was one of many.

But in a sea of weirdness, it stuck out to me as being particularly weird. What problem was ADP trying to solve?

  • If the attention to their payroll report was interfering with their business of providing payroll services for companies, why not say that and stop with the report entirely?
  • If they were doubting their own internal numbers . . . I can’t think of any reason why they’d doubt their own internal numbers. But if there was some reason for that, I’d expect them to put the report and almost everything else non-essential on hold until that doubt got resolved. If I doubted the numbers for a core part of my business, resolving that would be top priority.
  • So, what “problem” does that leave, that this would be a valid solution? They wanted to stop using their own numbers, while not making it obvious they were no longer using their own numbers?

How is this related to technology?

One of the primary uses of technology, of all types, is manipulating information. Gathering it, tracking it, saving it, collating it, sorting it, looking for patterns in it.

Computer software in particular is really good at manipulating information. In a way, that’s a definition of what computer software is and does: it manipulates information. It manipulates it far faster than humans can.

There’s the perennial problem of GIGO – Garbage In Garbage Out. If the software starts with data that is bad or wrong, it’s output will almost certainly be bad or wrong.

But there’s a less recognized problem: solving the wrong problem.

Learning From Mistakes: Audi Jacks, TS, TRS, and TRRS.

I messed up the headphone audio jack on my laptop. It still functions, but one headphone is about half the volume of the other headphone.

That’s not ideal.

So, I looked for USB-to-audio-jack adapters, and along the way I’m getting an education in types of audio jacks. I want to be able to use a pair of headphones which also have a microphone. That means I’m looking for a TRRS — Tip, Ring, Ring, Sleeve — adapter. Other audio jack types include TS (Tip, Sleeve) and TRS (Tip, Ring, Sleeve).

It gets more complicated from there.

After a quick web search, here are two articles I’ve found so far which have been very helpful:

I’m sure there’s more out there and there’s lots more for me to learn.

I talked to someone who was running an engineering class for kids, where they worked on solving problems with small pulleys, wheels, axles, motors, and so on. The person running the class said they found 90% of engineering is troubleshooting. I agreed; that’s true of any technology. I’m going down this rabbit hole because I messed up a piece of equipment and now I’m finding ways to work around my screwup, and it’s still 90% troubleshooting.

Time For Me To Get To Work

I write in this blog about different aspects of technology and different ways of looking at how to use technology. I post links to other sites, about technology, which interest me.

Honestly, I could have done that in a diary and skipped the whole process of setting up a website. Using pencil and paper to record thoughts is pretty old technology. It’s definitely stood the test of time.

I started a blog, which has multiple steps, to learn more about how to set up websites in the current year. I’ve decided it’s time to remember that and get back to work.

There’s lots of sources, I think it’s more important to pick one and get started. So I’m going to try Khan Academy. I took a look at their basic courses on websites the other day. It’s under the heading “Computer Programming,” which I didn’t expect. They advocate learning JS before learning HTML and CSS. I didn’t expect that. I’ll start there, and see how it goes.

Cutting Edge Technology, Back In The Day: Slide Rules

I’ve been busy enough the last couple of weeks I’m off my writing schedule. I try to put up one post a week with an interesting technology link.

Today, I’m writing about technology which was revolutionary and cutting edge, but is now seen as obsolete. And that is slide rules.

Slide rules are based on logarithmic scales. They turn multiplication and division into addition and subtraction.

That was the simplest slide rule scales, there were other scales on slide rules too, for different mathematical functions.

The Oughtred Society is a group devoted to slide rules. If you’re interested in slide rules, that site is a good place to start.

(Nope, I still haven’t looked up correct citation rules for online links in an online post.)

Useful Links: Rugged Radios, description of uses of GMRS v BB

I was looking for places to buy portable handheld radios the other day, and stumbled across Rugged Radios.

In addition to their product pages, they have a lot of good information on their site. Here are some useful links I’ve been reading through: