Great Power Brings Great Responsibility

Yes, it’s trite. It’s also true.

Not having to do repetitive routine tasks by hand is one of the benefits of technology.

An obvious example is using a spreadsheet program to create and calculate spreadsheet numbers, instead of having to write everything by hand. And then not having to rewrite everything by hand because one of the starting number changed.

A less obvious example is being able to model unsolvable math problems. Back in the 1990s I was told there were heat transfer problems which engineers and mathematicians had not been able to solve with calculus. Those same problems could be solved by a computer program modeling heat transfer over thousands and millions of small volumes.

However, with great power comes great responsibility.

That same computer will do other things we ask it to do, like delete every file we have. There was an article in The Register, “Automation is great. Until it breaks and nobody gets paid.” It was published on April 14, 2023 and written by Simon Sharwood. It is part of The Register‘s ongoing “On Call” series where readers write in with stories of tech problems they’ve had to fix.

Even more enlightening than the story was the comments section. There were quite a few comments in there about former co-workers who had written something “simple” which had very not-simple repercussions.

Technology is great and saves a lot of time, but only if it’s used responsibly and wisely.