Mindset Monday: What is old might be new all over again.

Every skill has multiple levels to it. I learned to write in school and did fairly well with school assignments. Learning to write emails while I was working in office jobs required learning new things about a skill I thought I knew. I’ve written in different ways for different reasons since then, each time I learned something new about a skill I learned a long time ago.

Technology is like that in two ways.

Being comfortable with technology, learning new technology, deciding what I will and won’t trust technology to do is one skill. And it’s a skill that has new levels every few years.

Learning how to use a particular piece of technology is also a skill in which I find new layers every few years. This last week it was a camera. I’ve enjoyed taking pictures for over 30 years. I’ve used this particular camera for well over a year, maybe two or three years, and have taken many photos with it. And I still found something new to research and try.