Mindset Monday: You may already have more than you know

Someone told me years ago that hardware designers made software writers’ lives easy. He said that in the early days of programming, it had been a point of pride to have the cleanest, smallest, fastest code.

Because hardware designers kept increasing memory and speed, software lost the need to be small, fast, and cleanly written. That’s unfortunately led to the bloat in a lot of modern software.

Happily, it’s also led to many programs and pieces of electronic hardware having more features than I would expect. Why does an audio recorder have an built-in tuner that includes setting for six different ways to tune a six-string guitar? I have no idea, but it’s there.

Telling myself that I don’t have everything I need or I need to get something else is a way for my brain to keep me where I am. It’s a way to procrastinate. And many times it’s false. I already have all that I need.